
December 6, 2009

a day with my couple..

memory 12.6.09...

yesterday life is the most precious day. i really like it. it is happened like a dream when i wake up in the next day. it is my first time going out with 'him'. i cant imagine my feeling at that time it is very fascinating. we hang out with our friend also. we went to KLCC, looking at the crowd it was so unbelievable, people who were reaching there was so heavy and they cant even move around freely. although it was hard to move around we still enjoying ourselves at the pc fair...kiteorang jalan-jalan, tengok sana tegok sini. keluar pintu masuk pintu...tue je yang mampu kiteorang yang tak bpe bnyk duit ni...hahaha...yang dia ni plak suke sangat nak amek beg kertas kt booth p1 wimax...sampai kiteorang dah kua dari convension center pun dy still nak mnde tue jugak...lawak kot tengok dy cemburu orang len dapat beg tu...hahaha sian dy...kiteorang asyik berkepit je...pegi mne-mne pn same...hish2 truk btul...
waktu kt luar convension center tue smbil tunggu lagi dua couple...kiteorang tak habis-habis marah-marah n lazer-lazer orang kt sekeliling...bukan sebab tunggu lagi dua couple tue tapi kiteorang tak suke smoker n bau dy yang sparuh nak mati...sape je smoker yang tengah smoke lalu mesti dy kne punye...nseb baek la x kne marah maybe sbab mke innocent kiteorang ni kot..hahhaha...smpaikan de sorang guy kt sbelah aku tak jadi nak smoke sbb tkt kot kne boom ngan kiteorang...hahahha
yang paling best waktu makan...romantik habis, lawak pun de bila teringat balik...hahha...kiteorang yang berenam ni siap kne n buat kaco lagi kt pizza hut...yang tak boleh lupe waiter kat situ dy kelam gile..hahaha...mule2 tu dy nk tunjuk power kot ngan kiteorang last2 dy yang kne balik...hahahha..sampaikan bile dy lalu je tepi meja kiteorang mesti dy lari tak pun nak tjatuh langgar dy best gile dlm cite upin ipin..dalam pizza hut tu kiteorang wat cam kedai sndiri...siap ngan cashier kne kaco..nakal gile...
dah penat gelak2...kiteorg gi la solat...abes solat lepak2 jap then singgah jap kt kedai brg maen try2 brg 1 je mende yg bli...cekak rambut...hahha...pas2 rancang nak mkn aiskrim tp xjdi aah...wak2 nk seorang kwn kte ni hmpir nk kne tnggal lrt...kiteorng cpt2 msk dlm squeezing cm oren dlm 2 dy smpat lg tnye muat x nk msk...gelabah btul...setengah jam ps2 kteorng smpai la kt u...home sweet home...syukur la smpai...pnt nk mmpus kot...

for the sake of this story i want to credit to falaha..fateha...rahmah...adah...ina...thanks for allowing me to join u is great to be with u all..'him' in this story is falaha...

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few things that i hate most:
smokers,bully,disrespectful and ungrateful person..
few things that i love most:
family,friends and you all..